Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Roman Forum

Walking down the Roman Forum was the amazing experience. When I was writing the travelogue I imagined walking across the Roman Forum from Colosseum. Although, I couldn't start walking from Colosseum I could get the sense of my character in the travelogue walking across the Roman Forum with his senator. While I was standing there looking at the structures, I felt like all the buildings were packed into this area of the Roman Forum. It was like walking down a street of modern Rome. Therefore, for me the Roman Forum was like a public area where people meet and do their business. I could imagine the ancient Roman citizens sitting on the shade of the structure and talk about their business or going to the structures for their business. I could imagine people going to the Basilica Amelia to do civic administration matters or for shopping. Also, as I walking down to go to Curia Julia, I became my character in my travelogue. I think the Roman Forum was the business place during day in the ancient Rome.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole,

    I very much like how you blend ancient and modern, as well as fact and fiction, in this exercise. What it needs, however, is more detail. For example, you say that you could "get the sense of [your] character in the travelogue walking across the Roman Forum with his senator." Say more about this: was there any particular moment in the exam travelogue that seemed especially helpful to recall? Similarly, when you say you became your character in your travelogue, what exactly do you mean?

